Campus Building Closeup


Ensure link text provides enough information so that users can understand the link’s destination or purpose when read out of context.

In some cases screen reader users will navigate from link to link or use a list of all links on a page to find what they need. Non-specific link text such as Learn More, Read More or similar words and phrases does not provide the user with enough information to find what they need. 

Best Practices

Ensure link text can be understood out of context.

Avoid generic link text such as Read More, Click Here, Download, etc.

The URL itself should not be used as link text.

Link text should not include text like “link” or “link to” to inform users that the text is a link. Screen readers will announce “link” before each link automatically.

Provide enough detail so people know what will happen when they press the link but don’t overload them with information.

When using an image as a link the alt text for the image should serve as the link text. Screen readers will announce a linked image as a link the same way they would a text link.

Bad Link Text Examples

Good Link Text Examples

Additional Resources

Edit Page " class="hidden">蜂鸟网图片库