L3Harris Commons

Posting Policy

Effective Date Aug 1, 2009

In an effort to promote better communication and give a better appearance to our campus, the Office of Student Life has established this policy to keep the bulletin boards organized and up to date.

Note: This policy applies to all bulletin boards on the university campus. The only bulletin boards that are exempted are those controlled by academic units, university offices and those bulletin boards and/or posting surfaces in the residence halls (which are under the jurisdiction of the Office of Residence Life).

  1. All organization fliers or mailings must be approved by the Office of Student Life and have the STUDENT LIFE APPROVED stamp before distribution through campus mail.  Postings sponsored by academic units or university offices are not required to have the STUDENT LIFE APPROVED stamp.
  2. All posters, fliers, banners, signs and announcements (all of which from this point forward will be referred to as “posters”) must be approved by the Office of Student Life and have the STUDENT LIFE APPROVED stamp. The stamp must be clear and easy to read on the poster. Posters must be brought to the Office of Student Life to be stamped and dated by a member of the Office of Student Life staff. The hanging of posters is the responsibility of the group/person who is sponsoring the poster, not the Office of Student Life. The office requires that posters are stamped before they are copied. Posters without stamps will be removed.
  3. The date on poster indicates when the poster must be taken down. Individuals/organizations who hang the posters are responsible for removing them on the indicated date. Any one poster may not be posted for more than one month. New versions of the poster may be approved.
  4. Only one (1) poster per event/activity on a bulletin board will be permitted. Mass canvassing on a bulletin board will result in removal of all advertisements.
  5. Posters are permitted on bulletin boards and other approved locations such as the exterior walls immediately adjacent to the entrances to the Denius Student Center (SUB), the windows adjacent to doors of the SUB and Evans Library. Posters are not permitted on walls, painted surfaces, windows, doors, plastic classroom change holders (in academic quad), trees, bridges, concrete or asphalt areas, trash cans or other pieces of university property. Anyone found in violation of this policy may be fined or lose posting privileges.
  6. Information on posters must be correctly spelled, dated and contain enough information in English so that accurate, timely communication results. Posters must state which organization/academic unit is sponsoring the advertising/event. Any poster containing information that violates the policies of the university in reference to content or good taste will not be approved. Anyone found hanging posters containing such information may lose their posting privileges.
  7. Posters or fliers that advertise any event where alcohol is served (whether or not the advertisement indicates such) will not be approved for distribution or posting.
  8. The words beer, wine or liquor, or any slang terminology implying alcohol consumption or abuse will not be permitted. Note: Closed parties may not be advertised on or off campus (see University Alcohol Policy—Closed Parties, for additional information).
  9. Outside organizations, businesses, vendors, etc., may only post one (1) poster on campus. The only exception to this rule is when an outside agency is sponsored by a department or organization. In this case, the academic unit or organization name must be clearly displayed on the advertisement.
  10. Posters will not be permitted on the For Sale, For Rent or other reserved boards in the Denius Student Center.
  11. If an organization, academic unit or individual continually violates the posting policy, they may be fined, brought up on organization or disciplinary charges, or lose their posting privileges. The academic unit, organization or individual responsible for the alleged violation will be notified in writing prior to any formal sanctions being imposed.
  12. Table tents are only permitted in the campus dining facilities provided the following conditions are met:
    • Table tents are approved and stamped by the Office of Student Life.
    • Permission is granted from the manager of the specific dining facility.
    • The table tents meet the guidelines established by the Florida Tech Copy Center.
  13. No individual, organization or department is permitted to hang posters inside a residence hall or the immediate area outside the hall. Organizations that wish to advertise in the residence halls must submit advertisements to the assistant dean for residence life to be posted by staff from the Office of Residence Life. 
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