Frequently Asked Questions

Prospective students and their families have many questions about Florida Tech and the ROTC program. We hope you find answers to your questions below. If you have additional questions not answered here, please contact us. We are always happy to provide more information.

  • U.S. Citizenship
  • Under 30 years of age at time of commissioning (if on scholarship)
  • Ability to pass a physical fitness test
  • Medically qualified (contact our office for details on specific conditions) 
  • No moral obligation or personal conviction that will prevent them from supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States and conscientiously bearing arms

ROTC is a serious commitment but it does not impede your ability to focus on your studies or enjoy student activities or leisure time. Cadets are required to spend a certain amount of time in:

  • Physical Training: Three, one-hour sessions each week (does not conflict with any classes)

  • Classes: Hours depend on MS class. Example: Freshman class (MS I) meets once a week, length is 50 minutes.

  • Field Training: One weekend each semester

In addition, cadets attend a one-month summer training exercise between their junior and senior years.

No. The academic element of ROTC, Military Science, is an academic department and ROTC training is similar to any other elective course. ROTC cadets who are not contracted have no obligation to serve in the military and have the option to leave the program at any time. Cadets do not attend Basic Training and cannot be deployed.

Upon successful completion of ROTC and graduating from Florida Tech, a cadet must:

  • Accept a commission to serve on active duty or reserve duty (Army Reserve, or Army National Guard).
  • Serve in the military for a period of 8 years. This may be fulfilled by:

    1. Active Duty: Serving on active duty, if selected, for 4 years followed by service in the Active Army, Army National Guard (ARNG), United States Army Reserve (USAR), or the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) for the remainder of the 8-year obligation. The choice being yours.


    2. Reserves: Serving 8 years in an ARNG or USAR Unit, will include a 3 to 6 month active duty period for initial Officer Basic Training.

Cadets wear the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) to classes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a way for ROTC cadets to show their pride in being part of the Army, practice wearing the uniform and increase campus awareness of the ROTC program.

Yes. Cadets in the Simultaneous Membership Program can take part in ROTC and receive E-5 drill pay with their unit. Contact our office for details.

Yes. Sophomores can still join ROTC, compete for scholarships, and graduate on schedule. These cadets may need to attend the Basic Camp to catch-up on the first two years of training and information.

Yes. In fact, athletes may be able to get a waiver from taking part in ROTC physical training.

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