Security Building

Instructions For Annual Parking Registration

If you plan to park a car on campus at any point, please note that all students, staff and faculty are required to display a current parking decal sticker on the rear of their vehicles.

Welcome students! There are several options to choose from to limit the number of students in one area. Please read carefully.

FALL semester decals will be available after May 1st. Please don't register prior to this date, or you will have to reregister.

Returning Students

Returning Students may pick up their registered and PAID IN FULL parking decals at the Security Welcome Center, Bldg. 544, 3126 Panther Place, Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Please bring your student ID. 

NEW Students

FALL semester decals go on sale May 1st. 

Your decal will be in your orientation packet, which will be handed out during orientation week. 

Registering for your Parking Decal

The web-based registration system uses your Tracks/PAWS account.

Students you’ll use a Credit/Debit Card to pre-pay, or choose pay-in-person for your decal sticker. To pay in person students will need to visit the Cashier's Office, which is located in L3 Harris Commons, Bldg. 710, 3011 S Babcock St. Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.

FALL DECAL PRICES: Student decals are $200.00, or $100.00 with a Panther License Plate (obtainable through the Florida DMV). Motorcycle decals are $100.00, these decals may not be used on a car.

Register for your parking decal online.

Prior to accessing the registration site, you MUST have ALL of the following:

  • License Plate Number (we recommend taking a picture of your tag number)
  • Vehicle Make & Model (e.g. Ford Mustang)
  • Vehicle Year
  • Mobile Phone Number (must enter for Security purposes. Failure to do this could result in your vehicle being towed, if the Department of Security cannot reach you.)
  • Confirmed housing arrangements (know your dorm building name, or off-campus address)
  • Credit/Debit Card to pre-pay in the last screen of registration

**A critical part of the registration process will be ensuring your mobile phone number and address are accurate. You will not be able to proceed without entering a valid cell phone number in the required field.

Please keep in mind that to complete registration for your parking decal sticker … you will have to input your credit card information and literally pay at check-out on the last screen.

NOTE: Registration and pre-payment are NOT complete until you receive two confirmation emails.

One email confirms registration, the other email confirms successful payment with your credit/debit card.

Parking is strictly enforced 24/7/365.  Everyone must have a decal. No exceptions.

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