Security Building

Weapons Policy

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last ReviewApproved by:
All students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors and vendors 03/5/2021 June 2023 Ryan Petersen

Florida Tech prohibits firearms and other weapons, as defined in Section 4.0 of this policy, on its premises in accordance with and to the maximum extent permitted by federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Policy Owner: Department of Security 

Policy Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe working and educational environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Except as specified in Section 6.0, this policy applies.

Policy Scope

All Florida Tech students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors, and independent contractors, vendors and their employees are prohibited from possessing, carrying, or using a Prop/Theatrical Weapon without prior written approval from the Director of Campus Security; provided however, under no circumstances will a Prop/Theatrical Weapon be permitted inside University owned or operated residential facilities. 

Policy Statement 

All Florida Tech students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors, and independent contractors, vendors and their employees are strictly prohibited from carrying Weapons on premises owned or controlled by the University and in vehicles owned or controlled by the University, regardless of whether they possess a valid Concealed Carry Weapons permit to carry a firearm. University students, faculty, staff, and volunteers are prohibited from storing Weapons on premises owned or controlled by the University, including inside of their personal vehicles regardless of whether they possess a valid Concealed Carry Weapons permit to carry a firearm. 

Visitors to the University, independent contractors, vendors and their employees are also prohibited from storing Weapons inside of their company owned or personal vehicles regardless of whether they possess a valid Concealed Carry Weapons permit to carry a firearm. 

All Florida Tech students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors, and independent contractors, vendors and their employees are prohibited from possessing, carrying, or using a Prop/Theatrical Weapon without prior written approval from the Director of Campus Security; provided however, under no circumstances will a Prop/Theatrical Weapon be permitted inside University owned or operated residential facilities. 

The following are the only exceptions to this policy:

  1. Members of the Department of Security who are required to carry a weapon in accordance with departmental policy.
  2. Federal, state and local law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties.
  3. Members of the armed services performing official duties as defined by law, regulation, or lawful order. 


If you have reason to believe an individual is in possession of a weapon in violation of this policy you should immediately contact the Department of Security by calling (321) 674-8111, or local law enforcement authorities by dialing 911, and provide a description of the individual and their location. 

Do not approach the individual or investigate. If you have any uncertainty in deciding whether to make a report, you should decide in favor of making a good faith report. Questions and inquiries about this policy should be directed to:

The Department of Security Communications Center, (321) 674-8112.


Weapons: Any firearm, BB gun, pellet gun, paintball gun, airsoft gun, sword, sword cane, dirk, knife, metallic knuckles, slingshot, Billie club, bow and arrows, crossbow, spear gun, traditional martial arts weapons (such as throwing stars), tear gas gun, chemical weapon or device, electric conducive device (either contact or dart-firing), destructive device (e.g., bombs), or other deadly weapons except a common pocket knife, plastic knife, blunt-blade table knife, kitchen knives in designated food preparation areas, or pocketsize self-defense chemical spray of not more than two ounces. 

Firearm: Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; any destructive device; or any machine gun. 

The term "firearm" does not include an antique firearm unless the antique firearm is used in the commission of a crime. 

Ammunition: Any material capable of being projected by a weapon and which makes the weapon operational. 


University wide, to all students, faculty, staff, volunteers, visitors, independent contractors and vendors and their employees. Subject to review and approval by the Director of Security, divisions of the University, i.e., Residence Life, may adopt additional restrictions that would apply to within their division.


Anyone possessing a weapon in violation of this policy will be asked to immediately remove the weapon from University premises or surrender the weapon to Department of Security Officers or local law enforcement authorities. Failure to comply may result in arrest and/or criminal prosecution. Florida Tech faculty, staff, and volunteers found in violation of this policy, shall be subject to applicable University disciplinary policies, and any violation of this policy may result in sanctions up to and including their termination. Any students found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary actions under the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook, which do not imitate or serve as a substitute for civil or criminal proceedings, but rather have been created to maintain and preserve the educational nature of Florida Tech and ensure an inclusive community.


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